Our Staff

Senior Pastor: Greg ChambersSenior Pastor: Greg Chambers
E-Mail: Pastor@EastridgeNaz.org

Having grown up at Detroit, Michigan First Church of the Nazarene, Greg came to ONU in the fall of 1967 to pursue his ministerial studies. Most of his ministry was spent in his home state. June 1998 found him relocating to Kankakee to pastor Eastridge, a church he attended for a while during his college days. He met his wife, Marcie, during a summer youth internship. He is passionate about ministry and leading others into a joyful walk in their Christian life.

Visitation Pastor: Marcie ChambersVisitation Pastor: Marcie Chambers
E-Mail: Visitation@EastridgeNaz.org

Marcie began her Christian Walk at the Westland, Michigan Church of the Nazarene. Her years at ONU in the early 1970's gave her the tools she needed to serve for a short while as a public school teacher. Her years in ministry beside her husband, Greg, led her to the awareness of God's call on her life to ministry. Serving the church in visitation ministries keeps Marcie on the move.

Eastridge Church of the Nazarene
2679 E. Court St.
Kankakee, IL. 60901
(815) 932-9413

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